Tunnel Construction

The rapid growth of city populations has placed increasing pressure on infrastructure. Sahira Construction is at the forefront of complex underground spaces – from subway systems that take cars off the street to underground strategies for moving people, freight and the vital power and water utilities needed to keep modern and developing societies functioning.

A cost-effective and sustainable underground strategy can be found for moving people, freight and all the vital power and water utilities needed to keep modern and developing societies functioning.

Integrated design & build contractor

Sahira Construction’s approach to tunnel projects embraces all that is best in truly multidisciplinary and joined-up design & construction. A holistic approach, based on a strong core team of experienced tunnellers, drawing on the capabilities of a wide array of allied disciplines, allows Sahira to provide ‘tunnelling plus’ advice.

From life safety and tunnel ventilation to materials technology and lifecycle cost analysis, Sahira’s tunnel projects extend from inception to operation and beyond. This total design approach, using committed specialists working closely together, has produced exciting and innovative answers to some of the world’s largest and most complex tunnel projects. These challenges are welcome, giving the firm the opportunity to implement integrated projects of real value to clients.


Sustainability in a changing world

The rapid growth of city populations has placed increasing pressure on infrastructure systems. There is a growing recognition that going underground is the right thing to do. From subway systems that take cars off the street to aqueduct and power tunnels that provide the necessities of life, tunnels and underground space offer sustainable and cost-effective alternatives. Arup has been at the forefront of the development of larger and more complex underground spaces in response to the demand for more cost-effective uses for them.